business coaching

I led a coaching business for half a year for managerial staff at the highest level in the organizational structure and the commercial department public company listed on NewConnect. As a result of my actions revenues increased by 200% in comparison. The analysis of financial data showed that in the coming years, the company reached a revenue growth of 100%. Feel free to contact by e-mail: to arrange coaching.

What is money? My answer: It is a form of energy, mind focused on the goals, which as a result of the action has been converted into an equivalent material, financial, and just as energy flow.

Magdalena Komarnicka; owner of Human Advice, psychologist, lawyer, investor web domains (, – sale or lease),brand ambassador, coach, author, motivational speaker, was the manager of the Academic Careers Office in Wrocław, a member of APA, Polish Association of Coaching and Development, WHO IS WHO in Poland.


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